The Sixth Line of Defense Read online

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  Chapter Nine: The Calm Between the Storms

  Digel base swam just a little in her vision, the constant efforts of the past 10 hours and the faded rage that even now growled at the back of her mind had worn away at her strength. The three hours riding in stinking cockpit had been the only thing that had kept that rage alive and strong enough keep her going. The Admiral had spent much of the last hour gurgling and mumbling against the gag, undoubtedly trying to beg and bribe his way to freedom. Digel base was large enough to be equipped with it's own catapult and extensive enough to cover several square miles. Shiva didn't bother too much with the sight-seeing as she maneuvered the craft in low and over the edge of the airfields. Hopefully below notice of any weapon's systems as she shifted in close to the Tower facility. She could see the people moving about inside the tower from when they came to a hover just outside the windows.

  "Digel Tower, this is stolen Fighter Craft NSX73124-SA." Shiva called across the headset, it was almost amusing to see startled people jump into activity even as one man's tilted chair dumped him to the floor. Even though they had clearly heard her, it was several minutes before three or four shadowy figures entered the space and hurried over to the com system.

  "Stolen fighter craft, this is Advocate General Vandemere speaking." Came the soon to follow reply from a strong feminine voice.

  "Ma'am, I have information related to the reasons why and to those behind General Winters death, and I am willing to turn it, my prisoner, and myself over into your custody if you are willing to agree to my terms for my surrender." Shiva called back calmly as the Admiral behind her began to mumble even louder than before.

  "I'm listening.." She agreed cautiously as one figure waved off the figures behind her.

  "I want Lt. Devin Hornton to be temporarily released from custody, given a transport vehicle and sent to the middle of your furthest runway." Shiva murmured as she glanced over to those airfields. "When he goes there he should take a large box with a lock that I will program, where I can place all my weapons and dangerous materials. And I want your word that none of the people on Digel base will try anything stupid."

  "That's it?" She almost sounded surprised.

  "Yes, ma'am." She quickly agreed and people were sent off running as silence filled the closed com-channel. About fifteen minutes later a single figure in a single vehicle left a large hanger and was sent racing across the landscape. When he reached the appointed point Devin got out of the vehicle and started looking around, recalling the last time Shiva had turned herself over to someone in a position of authority. Maneuvering away from the tower, Shiva deactivated the optical camouflage as she moved into for a swift landing, undoubtedly surprising the unaware people back in the tower. When the cock pit pulled back and Shiva started climbing out Devin was there to help her reach the ground in the absence of a stair case or ladder.

  "You must have gotten something good." He commented to her. Shiva slipped off her computer and handed it over to him as he followed her back to open vehicle. He leaned up against the side the truck as Shiva stripped off the rest of her gear and put it into the waiting lock-box. The evidence piled into her bag was tossed between the front seats, while Devin stood nearby with a rapt and surprised expression staring at the small computer screen. It was not until Shiva dumped the Admiral into the back seat with a less than gentle thump that Devin realized she was ready to be patted down. He waved back to the tower as Shiva climbed up into the driver's seat and he hurried to get into the passenger's seat.

  "Don't ruin the finger prints." Shiva whispered to him as she started back across the open area towards another large open doorway closer to base of the tower followings Devin's directions before he was distracted by the contents of the bag. They were soon pulling out of the thin light of the rising sun as a platoon of heavily armed men closed in behind them. Shiva drew to a halt at the center of the large open repair bay and turned off the vehicle.

  "She's unarmed." Devin called as he hopped out of the vehicle brandishing the micro sized computer over his head and swinging the bag down near his leg.

  "Remember what we talked about Admiral, the only way I let you and your family live is for you to spill your guts." Shiva growled as she climbed out on Devin's side of the vehicle and followed him as he moved away from the stopped vehicle.

  "General you really need to see this!!" Devin called across to other figures in back of the armed men.

  "Admiral Shriver, so good to see you again." General Vandemere murmured as she and those with her arrived, her words and expression made Shiva think she was long familiar with him and knew enough to have a serious dislike of him. "Take him to a holding cell and watch him until I am ready." She growled over her shoulder to her subordinates and the armed men that had moved in close with them. "I want that box secured in a weapon's locker, and no one is touch it." She added pointing to someone behind them. "Now tell me why you decided to take prisoners." She ordered turning her penetrating gaze on Shiva.

  "He was implicated by one of people directly responsible for General Winter's death. The Sergeant was quite motivated to tell me who he knew about.. when he saw things my way." Devin gave her a dark look as he handed over her bag to one of the Colonel's officers who had approached with her. "There are files and money taken from the safes and offices of Admiral Shriver and another man implicated in this conspiracy, in that bag and their fingers prints should be all over them. There is a lot more in that computer.."

  "General." Devin murmured stepping over to her side to show her something of what it contained.

  "Those are.." She fell silent in surprise.

  "Series 5 troops, I observed at least 10 teams of them being mobilized, and recorded those scenes with some of my equipment." Shiva told her without hesitation.

  "You.." Her eyes were accusing.

  "They were probably dispatched by the same anonymous tips that probably had your people arriving at the same hospital near the same time." Shiva told her softly and unable to keep herself from looking away guiltily under that accusing gaze. "I honestly hope none of your people were hurt.."

  "A few minor injuries, a small fire fight before they just sort of stopped.. as if they ran out of orders." She agreed darkly and much to Shiva's relief.

  "I'm sorry ma'am, I honestly hoped that nothing bad would happen, but felt that I needed at least some witnesses who had credibility in your eyes who could testify that Series 5 troops were awake and active." Shiva whispered to her even as her remaining strength began to fade and her eyes started to burn with exhaustion once the Admiral was gone depriving her rage of a direct target. "They were dispatched under the command of Lt. Ashen out Tinner base.. you might want to have an arrest warrant out for him.. like now, in case he hasn't already gotten off world."

  "Issue that order, Thomas." She murmured to one of her people who ran off.

  "Colonel Freedmont was second highest ranking officer below the Admiral implicated in this conspiracy." Shiva murmured before she could be struck by a yawn that made her feel just a little dizzy. "I didn't get to his office before the alarms were sounded, but he was listed as being off-world so.. it should be clean." Devin touched her arm in the next moment before she was simply being swept clean off her feet.

  "Rei Winters and Vala Lunara?" The General asked as her voice almost became gentle as she took a few steps closer.

  "I can not doubt that they are safe, ma'am. As I told you Shiva was very.. forthright about protecting her family." Devin murmured to her as the slow movements of his hand rubbing her shoulders and back made it very hard for her to keep her tired mind focused.

  "I don't suppose this means she is willing to cooperate with me now." She asked of Devin.

  "I think she'll humor you at the very least, ma'am." Devin murmured back to her in a state of high amusement.

  "Good enough for me, now if you would Lieutenant, please escort my guest back to your temporary quarters until we ca
n sort all of this out." She requested softly.

  "Aye, ma'am." He agreed chuckling against Shiva's hair.