The Sixth Line of Defense Read online

Page 17

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  It was the last few minutes, of the last class, at the end of the semester, so no one was really listening to the Professor prattle on in Russian, except perhaps Shiva who could listen to whatever was being said without any trouble as if she had grown up speaking it or any of the other dozen languages she knew. Settled together in the back row of the large lecture hall none of the whispering girls really paid them any attention as Shiva sat half curled against her side, the teachers rarely found any reason to object to such behavior and neither of them cared any longer what their class mates might think. While the thought that they might soon go to college where their instructors might be a little less understanding than those that swirled around them at the Academy wasn't entirely pleasant, the thought that they might escape their judgmental peers was a big motivation for her personally and in her way of thinking only something that could make Shiva's life happier. For as much as Shiva might claim that she didn't care about such things, her behavior back at the dorm made Vala believe otherwise. Far more prone to smiling than scowling, Shiva's true nature could emerge there in that warm atmosphere, and many of the other girls had come to adore her for it.

  Even though there was a black cloud hovering over Shiva's internal world, Vala didn't try to stop it from happening this time since she had perhaps more reason than ever to let those clouds appear than there were on just any normal day. With term papers turned in, final exams at an end, and the last days passing by much of the talk in the hallways and dorms was focused almost exclusively on the upcoming break. For her part Shiva had vehemently adopted a 'hear no evil, see no evil' policy when it came to those kinds of discussion, ignoring such conversations and pretending everything was all right. Vala knew of course, she had no family, no friends outside of school, no money to allow her to take a trip, and had suspected right from the start that Shiva was going to be left behind to linger in the empty school with those few teachers who might stay behind and Seila who would perhaps be her only emotional support. It had not been until the previous evening that Vala had allowed herself to be included in those joyous discussion of plans for their time off from classes, and had felt it instantly when Shiva's mood had become even more sour to hear Vala confirm that she would be visiting family over break. Shiva had probably suspected this might happen, but it had been an entirely different matter to hear it in Vala's own words. While tradition and family had always been a part of previous breaks, this year her plans had only been decided a few hours before she had shared them with their friends.

  When the bell rang, Shiva gave a sigh that was almost a sob as all at once those clouds became somehow darker than black and Vala knew she was about a dozen heartbeats away from breaking down into tears. Had the situation be any different, Vala would have probably followed her down into that black pit of despair almost unable to endure the idea of being apart from her for weeks. However, things being what they were she couldn't find those darkening emotions anything but adorable as she drew her girlfriend to her feet and slowly lead her towards the door and the crowded excited hallways beyond. In truth, it only really made her love Shiva more since she knew then just how precious she was in the sometimes unspoken thoughts of the young woman she spent her nights and days with.

  "Let's go." Vala whispered to her as they were expelled out into the cool air of the snow covered landscape.

  "Go?" Shiva whispered back to her, drawn out just a little from her own personal rain storm.

  "Yes, go.." Vala agreed with a laugh as she leaned over to kiss Shiva's temple. Knowing her she had perhaps been just a little too proud to ask Devin if she could somehow get away from the school, too worried about the cost of being guarded by one of his people, and too shy to ever think of intruding on Vala's time with her family. "Did you really think I would leave you hear to wallow in despair and loneliness for an entire month?"

  "Seila said.. I could.."

  "Well that isn't happening, you are coming home with me whether you like it or not." Vala informed her as the moved along the paths slowly while most of the others were running about to get away from the cold or to make their own escape attempts off of school property. "I packed our bags while you were in math class, I arranged everything with Devin a few days ago, and I told my parents I was bringing a very important friend home with me yesterday while you were taking a shower. Now I won't accept any ifs, buts, questions, or denials, it's time to go."

  "Yes, Vala." Normally a firey force of nature that hovered just on the edge of being out of control, in their quiet more private moments, Shiva had surprised her many a time by becoming timid, meek, and yielding. It was just one of the many things she had come to adore about this complex and complicated young woman. Shiva made a small noise as she tugged on Vala's arm and drew her in a direction opposite her planned course, and she soon picked out a towering dark skinned man dressed in an impressive looking suit and wearing dark sunglasses despite the overcast skies. His mere presence was enough to suppress any horseplay for some distance around him, and brought a hushed silence for wide area in ever direction. Even though Vala found himself almost frightening, Shiva's mood improved by marked increments until she was almost giggling as they moved towards that figure. Vala caught an invisible movement out of the corner of her eye as a section of snow was scooped up and formed perfectly into a snow ball under Shiva's influence. It snapped away within a heartbeat and launched with intense accuracy across the distance towards that towering figure as he scanned his surrounding as if looking for someone. The cold, wet projectile seemed timed perfectly and aimed just right to explode across the entire back of his bald head and spray out to either side. Vala was about to scream her objections and recriminations down at Shiva when he spun around to peer in the direction of that attack, half petrified he would know it was one of them, Shiva gave a bright bubbly little giggle as the girls all around them backed away in fear. Much to all of their combined astonishment he smiled at the sound and nodded his head towards Vala as he wiped the remains away from the back of his head. As a great empty chasm opened around him, he stepped forward as Shiva drew her to a halt near the closet intersection of snow free paths. Still giggling Shiva left her side to jump high up into his arms, he caught her with a chuckle.

  "Hi, Gregor!" She greeted as she hugged her small body around his thick neck.

  "I shall have my revenge one day, Shiva." He murmured in return even as he rubbed her back with obvious affection. "The Lieutenant said you had changed for the better."

  "And it's all his fault too, if he hadn't started being nice to me, everyone would still be afraid to touch me and Vala might not even have liked me." Shiva countered softly.

  "You say that like it's a bad thing." He chuckled as he heaved her up higher so that she was perched on his shoulder even as he offered Vala his arm. "Ms. Lunara.." Feeling suddenly at ease in his presence Vala accepted the gesture with a bright smile as he moved to carry Shiva away and escort Vala through the swirling crowd of stunned onlookers. "Our car is waiting nearby, Ms. Seila had your bags moved to her house to await our planned visit, and everything has been arranged for our arrival."

  "Thank you." Vala agreed with a happy smile.

  "So where are we going, Sergeant?" Shiva asked in a fine mood now as she leaned over to curl her arms around the top of his head and rest her chin on her crossed limbs to look playfully down at Vala. He chuckled and bounced her on his shoulder for a passing second, while holding onto her legs just to insure she didn't fall.

  "You are on a need to know basis, little one." He rumbled back to her. He glanced over to Vala and gave her a smile that seemed to make it absolutely clear he knew how much Shiva had changed and who exactly was responsible. Vala smiled back to him and then made a face up at Shiva as they reached the circular drive way off to one side of the main campus and the chaotic tangle of cars and people waiting there. At their approach another man climbed out of a large black ca
r to stare at the approaching scene with a completely stunned expression. Gregor released Vala's arm long enough to open the door for her before heaving Shiva up into air and catching her by the hips to gently lower her to the ground. "That is enough of that Private, the prisoner is in custody and our guest has arrived." He ordered softly as they both climbed into the back of the car.

  "Hi, Ceasa." Shiva called as the two men climbed into the front seats. The other man spun at the sound and seemed to turn into a statue once again as if never have expected such a bubbly greeting as Shiva curled up with Vala behind him.

  "Keep those eyes on the road soldier." Gregor barked even as he smirked back at them. The car was put into gear and they were soon slowly pulling away and moving the short distance to make the turn that would carry them over to Dean's residence. When they arrived Seila was already stepping out her front door as the car was drawing to a halt and they were soon involved in a happy and excited farewell as their luggage was loaded into the back of the car by the two men. As Seila took a few minutes to say a few words to Shiva, Gregor came over to stand next to her.

  "Has my little kitten really changed that much?" She asked more out of curiosity than any real concern. When he looked down at her she gestured to the other man who was standing near the driver's door still staring at Shiva in utter disbelief.

  "Kitten?" He asked with surprise, when she looked up at him he chuckled back down to her. "Aye, ma'am she has. You've never had to walk into a room to find her surrounded by a dozen boys twice her size all battered, bruised, broken and bloody, and her off to one side angry and defiant. Self defense, it might have been, but knowing what we know.. we could tell that about half the time she was ready to use a far more permanent solution."

  "She was created as a weapon.. she's still a human being.." Vala smiled as Shiva gave Seila one last hug as she tried desperately to hide her tears as she returned to Vala's side. Even knowing what she knew, Vala had a hard time believing that Shiva was truly dangerous, as if that part of her life had simply faded away.

  "Time to get comfortable ladies.. we've got 20 hours ahead of us in this car." Gregor rumbled as they moved down the road after one last wave to Seila.

  "20 hours.." Vala half asked as those numbers failed to add up in her head.

  "We probably have to avoid any military facilities along the way so my tracking signal isn't reported where it shouldn't be." Shiva informed her softly. "And Gregor if we really got comfortable Ceasa would drive us into a snow bank." She added a bit louder and added a giggle.

  "Oh?" Gregor rumbled back to them.

  "Comfortable means, clothing optional." Vala stated much to Shiva's delight as Ceasa had to jerk the wheel to keep the car on the road.

  "Good to know." Gregor chuckled back to them.