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The Sixth Line of Defense Page 16

Chapter Five: Distant Rumbles

  It had snowed heavily throughout the day and the air had been bitterly cold for more than a week previous. Even though the snow had stopped around sunset, the air had grown still colder, taking on a bitter chill that made most everyone reluctant to head towards class the next day. It was the full moon and with the clearing skies the school grounds outside had become a shimmering landscape as the freshly fallen snow danced with billions of tiny points of light echoing the starry sky above it. With the cold wind sending the snow dancing across the surface of the frozen lake, the world outside seemed beautiful, serene, and perfectly peaceful. Dinner had been hours earlier, and the time when curfew was supposed to take affect had passed by sometime earlier. For Titania house, this meant that virtually everyone was filling the hallways and chattering away happily as evening activities were organized. The RA's meant to maintain order in their distant secluded piece of the academy had long since been brought in the far sweeping conspiracy that defied many of the rules that dictated the course of dorm life, so it would be a while before things would quiet down.

  It was however quiet in the small suite of rooms Shiva and Vala shared through much of the semester. A 'homework' sign was hung on the door as Vala still had a research paper to finish, it was one of the few things that was respected and never circumvented by the people that shared their private little world outside of the classrooms. Shiva's paper had long since been finished and had simply taken the opportunity to turn up the heat, forget about her clothes, and lounge around in privacy dressed in her underwear on the chance that she might tempt Vala into their favorite after-school activity. Vala, of course, knew exactly what Shiva was feeling at that moment and hadn't really bothered with much clothing of her own after her long soak in a hot steamy bath. With the clicking of a keyboard passing through the nearby air and the dull murmur of the outside activity, Shiva was happy to simply settled a large floor pillow down near the windows, stretch out on her stomach and stare out across the serene landscape outside the cool insulated glass in front of her.

  Vala had often commented on the shadowy clouds of thought that would pass over Shiva's inner world when something was bothering her or when her thoughts would wander towards their uncertain future. While both of them had been informed early on that they might not be at the Academy the next semester, Shiva in all truth didn't truly look forward to leaving it behind. College catalogs had been sent to them from the Dean's office months before and Vala had been so very excited to see them appear. Vala's long list of her preferred schools had been ready within a day's time, Shiva had hesitated over that decision for nearly a week before she gave up and simply copied Vala's list exactly. And Shiva would just as gladly shoved both lists into the couch but Vala had made that decision for her, as both lists simply disappeared one day not to be seen or discussed again. It was these thoughts that made Shiva's mood turn towards those shadows on that cold winter evening.

  It was a little less than three weeks until the end of the semester and the winter break that would mark the eventual transition back into the warmer months of the year. This fact had been made clear to her because of an invitation the previous weekend to join Seila at the Dean's mansion for tea. When asked about the next semester, the older woman had simply smiled and told them that things were progressing well. While the lists had disappeared months ago, Shiva couldn't quite let herself believe that those lists could possibly lead to better things. More convinced than ever that she wanted to spend her life with Vala, some part of her would never let her believe that the people who pulled Devin's strings and through him yanked on her chains, would never truly let her move on with her life, let alone every let her be happy. While Vala was eagerly looking ahead with anticipation at the freedoms and opportunities that college would mean for her, Shiva wanted desperately to cling to the months that had flown by and the first peaceful, happy times of her existence.

  "Stop it." Vala murmured across the room, sounding half annoyed and mildly amused. When Shiva shifted to look back at her, Vala turned away from the computer screen with an adoring smile. "Love you." She added with a cute expression as she blew a kiss across the room. Shiva gave her a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as she turned back to the window.

  "I love you too.. that's why it keeps coming back." Shiva whispered back to her with a sigh.

  "I know." Vala agreed before the soft clicking of the keyboard returned to join the sounds coming in through the closed door. Trying hard to keep her troubled thoughts from disturbing Vala, Shiva started to review another section of history recently filed away. With her thoughts thus distracted she wasn't aware of the sudden silence out in the hallway, and didn't quite care enough to look back at the clock to see if their unofficial quiet hours had started, nor was she aware of the gentle knock on the door. She did note that the keyboard had stopped and that Vala had moved towards the front of the room but was too intent on keeping her girlfriend undisturbed and happy to really wonder why.

  "Aren't you looking comfy.." The warm tenor voice not heard in months was filled with deep amusement.

  "Devin!" At that moment and for whatever the reason, Shiva spun around intensely happy to see him. Whatever reaction his unexpected visit might produce he was perfectly happy to catch her in his arms as she crossed the room in a rush to throw her arms around him. She barely even cared about the burst of laughter that came from the front door even as she turned her eyes to the RA, Kate, standing with many of the others just outside in the hallway.

  "Vala, the Dean just sent this over with him as the messenger." Kate told a brightly smiling Vala who also stood witness to the scene. She soon handed over a massive stack of envelopes wrapped by a few pieces of paper and tied together by a thick rubber band. "Come on ladies." Kate smiled over at Shiva as she drew the door closed cutting all of them off on the other side.

  "Well if this is the kind of greeting I can hope for whenever I drop by, I really should show up more often." Realizing now just how little she was wearing, Shiva blushed and smiled as she stepped back. Vala already wearing her own robe moved closer to drape Shiva's around her shoulders.

  "She's been all worried and knotted up inside about some things." Vala told him before kissing Shiva's cheek.

  "Is that what you wanted to talk about?" Deeply confused, her uncertainly showed clearly on her face, and Devin quickly realized that she didn't understand. "Your message.." Vala cleared her throat from behind him.

  "Devin.. could I.. um.." Vala murmured nodding him towards the bedroom.

  "Oh.. Well, there is another thing we need to talk about." He corrected himself quickly and reached into the outer pocket of his briefcase to pull out another massive stack of large and small envelopes. All of them had been opened and then bound together by another thick rubber band. As he handed them over, he gently lead Shiva over to the couch and drew her down into the cushioned embrace before perching next to her. As the rubber band was removed the stack seemed almost to overflow her small lap and the letter heads of dozens of universities floated into view. "I don't know exactly what Seila told them, but all of them said at least three things. Yes, you are accepted for early admissions, yes, they want to offer you a full academic scholarship, and yes, they are willing to provide you with whatever special accommodations are needed to get you to attend their school." Shiva looked up at him speechless.

  "Seila.." Vala murmured in the next heartbeat as she held a handwritten note in one hand and mass of envelopes in the other. ".. says all but a few are willing to accept me as an early admission, but that only a couple of them are willing to offer scholarships."

  "My budget for Shiva can't afford this school, let alone any other. Some scholarships are based on who needs them more." Devin told her gently clearly worried about how she might take that news.

  "No, it's okay, I know Shiva is smarter than me." Vala told him with a bright and happy smile. "Anyways, my father promised me that
there would be enough money for me to go to any school I could get into. The good news is we can go to just about any school we want to, now the question is.. can we?" Shiva's eyes returned to Devin who's expression gave neither of them any real clues as to what the answer might be.

  "When the acceptance letters started to pour in, I called Seila to ask her about them. Using your list, I contacted the schools you liked the best and had lengthy non-specific discussions with the Deans. Even with me being supremely vague, none of them were any less enthusiastic once they caught on that they wouldn't be dealing with just an average genius." He sighed deeply before he continued. "I am taking up the matter with every high ranking officer that I have access to, and trying to find ways to get in contact with even more. But right now.. I don't know.. Seila and I have both confirmed with all your possible choices that their offers would be no less valid next fall if the red tape really gets in the way. And Seila told me a few minutes ago that it would be easy for her to make up a light schedule for both of you next semester."

  "As long as we are together." Vala informed him with a smile, Shiva quickly looked away trying hard to brush away the tears that appeared in her eyes hearing those words. "Devin.." He agreed quietly and rubbed Shiva's shoulders before the two of them retreated into privacy. Shiva was just as glad to have the chance to regain her balance before she really started crying. For as much time as she and Vala spent together, it had gone without saying that they both had enough reasons to keep some things private from each other. While just a little curious, it seemed obvious that Vala had simply been just as worried about the following semester as Shiva had been and simply wanted to talk to him where Shiva couldn't get any more upset. After browsing through all the letterheads for places she had never really heard off, Shiva set the chaotic stack on the nearby table and returned to her former position near the windows, feeling far too drained to really think about anything. Some time later, the door opened and Vala's light footsteps carried her across the room to drop down next to her where she could drape herself over of Shiva. Devin appeared soon after, having slipped out of his jacket during the unknown length of time that had passed. With a smile for Shiva's watching expression he dropped down to the floor and leaned up against the floor to ceiling windows with a sigh.

  "Is it a secret?" Shiva asked as long silence as Vala tucked her in close.

  "Yes." Vala replied softly.

  "Do you think they would let me go?" She asked Devin, changing the subject back to that now that she felt calmer.

  "Maybe.. right now the Generals seem content to forget that they even started a Series 6 reclamation project at all. Even if you did decide to disappear into the night, there are only four people under my command, and we are still underfunded." Devin informed her honestly never having been one to hold back the truth when it was really important. "Without Seila's involvement.. I'd have to say no.." He smiled at that as if there was something they didn't know about. "I may just need to take a page out of your book Shiva, and take some drastic steps."

  "Please.." Shiva stopped herself as her throat closed up and tears once again bubbled up to the surface.

  "Hey.. don't be like that, sweety." He whispered to her as if he knew how close to crying she was. "Anyways, I still have some ideas that are forming into a plan." He added with a smile as Vala helped Shiva get herself back under control. "Anyways, its' late and I won't disappear without at least saying goodbye first."

  "You don't have to rush off." Vala told him quickly.

  "I know.. but it was a long flight and I want to talk to Seila again before she goes to bed." He gave her a mysterious smile and a significant look that she seemed to understand. "How about tomorrow after class the three of us go out for dinner in town? It would probably be nice for Shiva to be able to ride both ways through the gate every once in a while."

  "Sounds perfect." Shiva agreed with a slightly choked voice.

  "I'll be at Seila's whenever you two get there.." He stated with a smile as he shifted up to his feet. "Thank you, Vala." He murmured as she moved to hug him before Shiva was given her second opportunity to linger in his arms just a little. "Shiva I can't tell you how proud of how well you have been doing this semester."

  "Stop that.." She choked back as her eyes started to get blurry once again.

  "Seila kept telling me how good the two of you are together, and I think I know what she meant now at long last." He chuckled as he stepped back to retrieved his jacket and coat. Within a few heartbeats he had retreated out of sight down the halls. As the door was closed in his wake, Vala drew her back over to the floor pillow and snatching up a decorative blanket along the way. They were soon curled up there under the warm folds and tangled together in mixture of limbs.

  "Don't you have a paper to finish?" Shiva asked even as she settled in close.

  "In the morning, this is what I want to do right now." Shiva smiled at that thought and let her eyes drift closed as she relaxed under Vala's gentle weight. It was sometime later that Vala woke her up long enough for both of them to wander into bed.