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The Sixth Line of Defense Page 11

Chapter Four: Changing Skies

  Shiva had been so very ready to be mad on that second trip across the grounds towards the Dean's house, so very ready to do Devin some serious harm at what she considered a very horrible invasion into what she already thought of to be her most treasured personal matter. But Vala's presence seemed to wash those feelings away, easily and without even trying, soothing away that anger with words that made her heart ache and made her emotions crackle with the intensity of her growing attraction. She had spent the entire afternoon and evening regretting that impulsive and wonderful kiss that had concluded her second meeting with Vala. Her thoughts circling over and over those words they had exchanged and continually questioning that burning desire she barely understood to get closer to the older girl and understand what those feelings truly meant. When Cami had provided the excuse and opportunity to wander in for a third time, she would never have expected that second kiss or the roller coaster of emotions that had followed. Even though all her worries seemed to have disappeared in those quiet perfect moments when some small piece of understanding had first appeared deep down where it started to grow, Devin's name was still enough to make all of it come crashing down around her. Their arrival and the sense that he was close by hiding, made all those feelings return as she left Vala's side.

  "She's pretty." He murmured across the entrance chamber peering out the window at the gathering she had left behind. With her temper already boiling just beneath the surface she crossed the distance and a few strides.

  "What do you want with her?!" Shiva demanded in an angry hiss. "Is this because she's an empath?!" The sharp turn of his gaze and the light of understanding in his eyes, told her all at once that those words had been a mistake. All at once her temper flared into being and she had to fight the urge to simply break him in half as tears started to well up in her tired eyes.

  "Hey!!" He half yelled dropping down in front of her and grabbing her hands. "Seila couldn't tell me that." He told her quickly, easing her personal monster back towards its' cage. "She couldn't reveal that information to me without breaking her word.. but she implied that this girl might be important to all of this working out for the best." His eyes showed her nothing but complete honesty and his deep concern for her as more tears began to force their way up the surface as her anger started to fade. "I'm sorry.. I wanted to meet her because she would be the one at the most risk, and I wanted to make sure she understood that.."

  "I'm sorry.. I.. I.. just.." The rest of the words died as her throat closed up and all at once she felt almost too tired to keep going.

  "It's all right, sweety." He whispered back to her, reaching up to brush the moisture away from her face. "I meant what I said.. when I told you that I made a lot of mistakes with you. And I know you don't want to hurt anyone without a damn good reason, I just thought it was for the best that I have a talk with her because just like Seila couldn't say things to me, there are things Cami and Seila can't tell Vala without breaking a trust." His hands dropped back down to hold onto her hands as the tears slowed to a stop and her emotions just seemed to drain away.

  "I.. I.. don't know what to do.." Shiva whispered back to him as that uncertainty shifted in the background.

  "You'll learn." He reassured her. "Seila adores you, Cami really wants to help you, and.. We made a promise, didn't we? That we were in this together no matter what happens from here on in, right?" Shiva nodded reluctantly now feeling as if she had almost ruined this changing relationship. "That means you can call me and talk to me about anything that is bothering you, and I will do absolutely everything I can to make sure things work out. And it means you can talk to Seila about any of your problems, because she knows the truth and will know how to help you. And it means you can go to Cami if something happens and you need advice, okay?"

  "Yes, Devin." Shiva whispered back to him.

  "Good, because there is nothing we can't handle as long as we stick together in this, all right?" She nodded even as she heard the sounds of people shifting in her back ground. "Now go get your stuff and let me talk things over with Vala, before you go back." With another nod she moved away hastily to get her things and before anyone could see how close to exhausted tears she might be. Even though she might have rather been alone, Cami helped her gather her things back into the luggage and lead her back downstairs when she was completely calm and extremely tired. The moment she felt Vala's arms around her, it was impossible fighting to stay awake any longer and she wasn't even aware of what followed.

  The sound of an alarm clock could not have been any more unwelcome in those first few seconds as she was pulled away from the first contented dreams she could ever remember having. Only the fact that it was quickly cut off saved the infernal device from its' immediate and total destruction as the lingering images of a truly sensual dream were gone and already beginning to fade slowly from her senses. Not aware of much more than the fact that she was warm, extremely comfortable and had no desire to really move, it was not until Vala's body shifted and her arms hugged Shiva just a little closer than the moment before gave her any clue of why she felt so very perfect in those first few moments of waking. Stretching out her lethargic muscles, Vala made a sleepy sound before her finger ghosted up Shiva's arm to gently brush her loose hair away from her face.

  "Do I have to kiss you awake, sleeping beauty?" The whispered question was spoken in a low sensual voice that made Shiva's heart race and her mind seek out those drifting tendrils of those dreams that seemed so very recent.

  "Mm hmm.." The response came almost out of instinct and there was a wicked little giggle from nearby.

  "Gladly." Vala murmured back to her as that warm perfumed presence shifted still closer and into a slow unhurried kiss. Shiva's hands clutched wildly at something to hold onto as her already aroused senses made her body ache with the gentle pressure of Vala's talented experienced kiss. That ache grew only more potent as she drew back just a little as Shiva's eyes flicked open to find Vala's watching amused expression lingering so very close in the twilight of the early morning. "I think someone had very good dreams.."

  "I.. don't know.. what you are talking about.." Shiva whispered back hurriedly unable to keep herself from flinching as she tried desperately to banish the intense desires lingering close to the surface.

  "You are such a bad liar." Vala told her with soft laughter in her voice as her fingers shifted to caress Shiva's cheek. "Stick with the truth, kitten, you are so much better at that." Becoming increasingly aware of how tangled up their bodies had become at some point during the night, Vala' leg shifted upward between hers to press deliciously against the soaked inner curves of Shiva's panties, providing more than enough evidence for both of them as Shiva groaned and her eyes closed against the intense sensations that gentle pressure stirred up from deep with her.

  "Did.. I.. fall asleep.. in the other bed?" Shiva asked trying to change the subject as Vala's thigh retreated and she was left panting for breath with her body crying out for more.

  "No.. you fell asleep on the ride home, we undressed you and put you in the other bed." Vala whispered back to her with a pleased smile as her hands rubbed Shiva's back and shoulders. "I was just about to fall asleep when you stumbled over to crawl in with me."

  "I'm sorry.. I.. thought it was just a fluke.. but.. I guess I've started doing that recently.." Shiva whispered back to her embarrassed and uncertain even if she wouldn't have changed the facts of that morning were such a thing possible. Because waking up tangled with Vala was an intensely welcome, and a warm and wonderful kind of surprise she had never thought possible before that morning.

  "No need to be sorry." Vala told her in return as she leaned in closer to kiss Shiva's forehead. "I was really happy to wake up like this.. but.." She smiled even brighter as Shiva's uncertain expression in the next moment. ".. we can't having you hurting yourself in the middle of the night, so maybe its' for the best if we just start out the night i
n one bed from now on." Her smile was one of mischief as her fingers slid lower to toy with the straps of Shiva's bra not quite allowing her body to reach a state of calm. "That way you have fewer reasons to have bad dreams."

  "What if.." Shiva tried to counter.

  "I'm not scared." Vala told her firmly before Shiva could even voice an objection. "Whatever this is.. it isn't just me and it isn't just you." Her hand slide down Shiva's arm to slowly guide her fingers between their tangled bodies and to places were Shiva would not have felt confident enough to touch on her own. The silky wet fabric between Vala's thighs felt hot to the touch and even Shiva's surprised and innocent caress was enough to make Vala make some very pleased sounds. "You are the only one who had good dreams, pretty little kitten. So let's try things my way, because I'd rather wake up just like this even if I do end up getting hurt one night, okay?"

  "Okay.." Shiva buckled under Vala's logic even as she couldn't quite stop herself from investigate those damp folds just a little further.

  "Mmm.." Vala murmured back to her. "We have some options to consider now that is settled.." Vala added as Shiva's finger were drawn away. "We can get up now, take showers before they start to get crowded, and make it down to breakfast before their is a rush. Or we can.. linger.." There was another meaning to that word that made her senses burn just a little more as she giggled back at Vala's mischievous expression. ".. here for a while longer, fight for showers, and make it down to breakfast late before we head to class."

  "Do we really have to go?" Shiva whined back at her, finding no motivation whatsoever to leave that bed much less Vala's arms holding her close.

  "Yes." Vala told her firmly even as she gave an understanding chuckle. "But there are no classes tomorrow and we will have a whole lot of time to work all of this out here shortly." Even if Shiva still felt ready to debate the logic of those arguments, there was no way she could simply let things sit like that.

  "How about.." Her body screaming for things she barely understood and the soft warm subject of her greatest desires tucked in far too close to be ignored, the intense emotions just beneath the surface would not allow those words to be stopped. ".. we linger.. here, go down to breakfast very late.. and worry about one shower tonight. Because.. I can't imagine how smelling like you all day could be a bad thing." Shiva told her honestly, rubbing up against Vala only a few heartbeats away from outright begging.

  "Good idea." Vala whispered back to her as she closed the last little bit of distance with a kiss that would banish the need for any other words for the foreseeable future.

  Dressed in clean clothes and her body still tingling with the tingling after effects of that morning's deeply pleasing experiments, they wandered down the stairs and outside. Having decided to circumvent breakfast completely and instead find sustenance from the vending machines it wasn't really necessary to see anyone or be seen by anyone else besides each other as they emerged out into cloudy light of the overcast morning. Pleased that they wouldn't have to ruin a perfect morning by including any witnesses, they slipped out into the cool crisp morning air that was showing the first subtle signs of the approaching fall. Leaning in close to each other and with their fingers tangled together as they strolled along the mostly empty courtyards, they quietly ate the sugary treats as they moved past the quiet buildings and those few far flung pockets of people who were far too involved in their own sense of quiet to pay much attention to any of them. Since Shiva did not yet have a class schedule yet, Seila had taken to presenting her with a list of pre-scheduled events to keep Shiva from running rampant across campus or simply hiding away for the entire day. Neither of them had any desire to cross the 'no man's land' between the campus proper to reach the Dean's residence, but Vala convinced her that she could find Seila in her office at the Administration building. Unwilling to argue any alternatives, they wandered slowly in that direction, more or less wrapped up in each others presence whispering somewhat unimportant words on subjects that mattered very little, caught up fully in what had happened between them and something to which neither of them needed to add any commentary.

  With some time still to spare before first bell, they settled in a shady spot near the front entrance of the administration building on a low wall of the large planter that waited close by. Tucked in close and having decided that she didn't care who might see or what they might think, Shiva felt perfectly content for the very first time in her life as the quiet easy conversation continued between them. Perhaps motivated a little by the desire to spend as many seconds with Vala as she possibly could and with her own fairly open schedule at the back of her thoughts, Vala gladly told her about all her classes and where she had to be on any given day. This information would hopefully enable Shiva to ensure at least some time during the day to follow to see her and spend time together, even if it was merely the moments between Vala's classes. Like the alarm clock that had seemed so very long ago and oddly enough a part of previous lifetime, the first bell was very much an unwelcome sound as it broke across the quiet landscape, reminding both of them of the obligations she still wished they both could ignore. If it wasn't for the soft passionate kiss that Vala gave her to chase away that hatred, Shiva might very much have resented the interruption enough to take out some form of vengeance against those still distant inanimate objects, before the older girl had to run to reach her first class. It was the soft pleased chuckle that gave her the first warning that they might not had been completely alone during that long walk and quiet conversation. Seila was smiling brightly at her when Shiva snapped around towards the sound, and her eyes danced with sparkling, mischievous amusement as she crossed the remaining distance from where she might well have been hiding.

  "I am sorry my dear, I have discovered over the years there are a few relationships between some of my students that I simply do not have the heart to interrupt even if I can't quite ignore them either." Seila told her warmly as the older woman moved to slide down into Vala's vacated spot and her hand reached around to rub Shiva's shoulder's and back soothingly.

  "It.. just.. sort of happened.." Shiva whispered back to her uncomfortably feeling just a little as if she needed to defend herself and what had already been shared between them.

  "And that's okay." Seila whispered back reaching up to brush the hair away from her face and tuck it behind her ear. "And no few people would say it was a good thing.. for both of you." Shiva looked up at her curious at such an odd sort of statement. "Vala would probably never admit how hard it has been on her since her secret got out, maybe not even to you. In a lot of ways, I would have liked to encourage her to go to another school, some place where she would be able to start over. But another part me was so very proud, to see her stand up look all these children in the eye and not truly care what they thought of her. As for this promising relationship.." She smiled just a touch brighter. ".. a long time ago, people weren't ready to accept that kind of love. They didn't understand it and said it was wrong and while some few still say its' wrong, these days they've become the minority and mostly ignored. Even if I was worried about what you and Vala are sharing, and the possibility you might end up getting hurt. All I had to see was the way you were looking at her just now to know how glad I was that you two found each other." Seila assured her in a gentle voice and with that pleasing smile that made some of Shiva's inner tension disappear. "Anyways, there are many who say that we have interfered with the natural order.. bringing talents like the one Vala and I share and the ones you posses into being. And then again there are some who believe it was the next stage of evolution, whether or not some humans were given a genetic head start. And just like your relationship with Vala once would have been, it maybe a very long before such talents become accepted as being 'normal'." She murmured back at some length. "But ultimately my point is this sweety, with you here now, maybe Vala will realize that her gifts are truly a blessing and not just the curse that has separated her from those s
he thought were her friends."

  "You.. don't think.. maybe it is.. moving too quickly?" Shiva asked fumbling for the right words and in desperate need of a second opinion right then. It was something that had stirred up to cast a shadow over her thoughts almost as soon as Vala had left her side, and as much as she might try to suppress or ignore it, that voice of doubt was a strong one.

  "If someone else were sitting there asking me that, I'd probably say yes.." Shiva was quite ready to be very disappointed and very worried. "But it's you and it's Vala, kiddo, so I would have to say no, you aren't moving too fast. Hornton told me last night that the last thing he would want to do get in the way of you finding even the smallest piece of happiness. And the heavens know I was thinking the same exact thing just now when I found myself watching the two of you together."

  "So.. Devin knows.." Shiva whispered uncertain what she should feel about that despite his second hand comments.

  "He guessed sweety, you might want to start giving him a little more credit for being smarter than he seems at times. You did almost ruin everything by rising up to strike him down in order to defend Vala." Shiva looked away guiltily at that even as the older woman chuckled and rubbed her shoulders. "But it did show us that maybe these aren't just the feelings of just some teenage crush." Shiva looked up at her with surprise. "But that isn't something you should worry about right now.."

  "I guess so.." Shiva was forced to agree.

  "It seems obvious to me now that with Vala's gifts you two could easily skip over all that awkward fumbling that most couples go through in those first few months. And with you.. I don't think that you would ever be so careless to open yourself up to just anyone whom you are attracted to.." Seila added seeming to sweep away the lingering feelings of uncertainty with those calm words. "For as much as I might regret saying this to you now.. part of me believes that you two are the real thing, actual love at first sight."

  "Really?" Shiva asked with surprise.

  "Don't make me repeat myself young lady." Seila teased back giving her a wicked smile. "All that aside, I think you should trust what your instincts are telling you and not worry about the future until it arrives."

  "Thank you." Shiva whispered back to her moving in to kiss her cheek. Seila smiled back at her for a very long time as a silence spread between them before she shifted her small fabric brief case into her lap as she sought out something from inside it.

  "Your schedule still isn't ready, but I do have a few things for you to do today." Seila told her bringing out a list of times and places she wanted Shiva to be during the course of that day. "If they don't come up with something here soon, I'll just photocopy Vala's schedule and send you on your way." This made Shiva smile quite brightly, very much liking that idea. Seila made a face at her happy expression and sent her on her way with a nod, even as the bells tolled at the start of the first class.

  As Shiva reviewed her day's schedule she was extremely excited to note that other than being fairly empty it seemed to link up with Vala's on quite a few occasions, and the first such instance was immediate. Hurrying off across the now empty courtyards, Shiva nearly decided to take to the trees to speed her along towards her next encounter, but stopped herself since that would force her out into the open of so many classroom windows. It was the sound of voices that kept her from going inside the correct building, and a moment of curiosity that drew her over to a small shaded clearing at the side of the building. The instinct quickly proved to be correct as Shiva caught just a glimpse of Vala's presence in the circle of figures spread around the grassy space before the moving figure of the teacher passed by blocking off her view. Shiva quickly slipped around the fringes of the gathering and was soon sliding down next to Vala as her schedule was slid over into Vala's keeping. Vala didn't hesitate to slid her arm around Shiva's back and hug her close to her side as Shiva settled in close and rested her head in the curve of Vala's shoulder.

  "I don't care what they think about me.." Shiva whispered to her. "I'd rather just ignore all of them and be happy with you."

  "You mean it?" Vala asked, Shiva nodded as she found just the right way to be comfortable as she leaned back against the tree and propped her legs up so she could fold her arms in her lap, she honestly didn't care if she was wearing a skirt and was far too happy to just curl up close to Vala. Vala made a contented noise as she leaned her cheek against the top of the Shiva's head. The teacher was perhaps just a little surprised to find her appearing there all of a sudden, was perhaps a touch perturbed by the way they were sitting together, but despite that she smiled just a little at them as she continued her reading and the lecture that followed.

  "You must be Shiva." The teacher commented to them as the bells tolled and the class was dismissed while Shiva was left speechless and extremely embarrassed fearing the worst that their inattentive whispers hadn't gone unnoticed, Vala's arm around her waist and confident expression was enough to keep her from total panic. "If you do end up in my class, I hope that next time I will have both of your attentions."

  "I'm really sorry Ms. Jones, Shiva and I have.. some personal issues that we haven't had the chance to work out. It won't happen again." Vala told her uncomfortably but calm despite the tension in her voice.

  "Well.. I don't suppose you two really need to pay attention all the time to get good grades, but let's try to prevent this relationship from being nothing but a distraction." The professor told them with a sigh that shifted into a warm smile.

  "We won't ma'am." Vala agreed quickly.

  "Good, there wasn't any homework, except to consider Plato's early plays and bring your thoughts in on Monday." Shiva nodded and couldn't quite to meet her gaze. "I hope we will see you then Shiva."

  "Thank you, Professor. I'll make sure to read his plays in case I am lucky enough to come back to your class." Shiva whispered up to her as Vala lead her past the older woman back towards the courtyard and out into the swirling crowds. They walked as far as the library before Vala had to hurry off to her next class, Shiva wandered inside and quickly located a comprehensive collection of the Greek poet. Settling down in the aisle close to where the book was located her body calmed down enough to allow her to focus on the pages as they passed quickly in front of her eyes. That intense focus allowed her to quickly pass through a thick stack and she stopped at the end of the tenth play and shifted to her feet to return the book to its' rightful place. She took note of the older man standing some distance away watching her with an amused expression. "Do you have something you want to say?"

  "Oh.. nothing really, but.. that was pretty fast.. did you actually read that?" He seemed like he was teasing, but he missed his mark completely.

  "No, I memorized the pages, so I can read it in my head later." Shiva told him honestly, before she turned to move away, heading to the front entrance.

  "You can't be serious telling me something like that.." He murmured as he moved to catch up with her. "I mean, that isn't possible.. it isn't.."

  "Human?" Shiva asked with a bright evil smile. "Perhaps.. perhaps not, time will tell with such things, now if you will excuse me." He reached to grab her as she moved towards the exit, Shiva snapped around grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm hard, forcing him to drop down to one knee. "Professor or not, you don't have permission to touch me." Shiva growled at him as he grunted with the pain.

  "I could report this.." He threatened.

  "The Dean will tell the exact same thing, you shouldn't go grabbing after girls. Or maybe I should snap your arm and teach you this lesson.. 'officially' and so you can go to police." Shiva whispered back to him very much tempted to make good on that threat.

  "Perhaps not.. an art teacher with a broken arm.." Shiva released him and stepped away before she could think better of that decision. "My apologies.." He murmured as he massaged his aching limb and rose up to his full height. ".. instinct tells me to never let a girl storm off angry."

; "Letting me storm off at the time of my choosing is a good way to keep me from getting angry and you from getting hurt." Shiva told him sharply. "You should remember that if I end up in your class, now if you will excuse me." Shiva added before turning away and this time she was able to walk away without interruption. Relieved to reach the outside and the empty quiet campus, Shiva quickly headed towards a place where she could settle and review her assimilated information and wait for the next bell. The thought that Vala was in the nearby building made her wish the Dean had already given her a photo-copied schedule or that she didn't have something to do during the next period in another nearby building and she could just wander in the same direction as Vala and pretend that she was supposed to be there in the class that followed.

  When the bell rang she had just about reached the half way point of her review. Vala emerged a short time later being followed quiet closely by a gaggle of chattering girls. Her eyes seemed to find Shiva across the distance of the crowded courtyard and shifted her course with a small smile. Feeling her heart race Shiva slipped to her feet and waited eagerly for her approach. Almost as one all the girls hounding her steps noticed Shiva and seemed to draw back to leave Vala to approach her alone. It felt so very wonderful to feel Vala's arms slipped around her and be immersed in her presence, as if the rest of the world simply seemed to fall away and become unimportant in the heartbeat that followed. Vala made a contented murmured as the curled around each other and let everything else fade into that far distant background.

  "There are all sorts of crazy rumors going around about you, and probably about us soon enough." Vala told her half amused, partly annoyed, and just a little bit as a warning, but Shiva could only find that to be a good reason to smile back at her.

  "Let them talk.. it's probably the only service some of them will ever provide." Shiva told her with a sigh.

  "Harsh but true.. I've got to get moving.." Vala agreed with a soft laugh.

  "I know." Vala gave her a gentle undemanding kiss before she slipped away and hurried off towards her next class. With another sigh this time one of annoyance, Shiva wandered towards her next destination and soon found an empty lecture hall. All the seats were empty and that hadn't changed by the time the next bell rang out across the school, the sound muffled by the room around her. Shiva waited rather impatiently studying the vast sweeping high level calculations spread across the dry erase boards. More or less versed in hyper-space theory and the growing understanding that had been evolving over the past 80 years, it wasn't hard for her to see the flaws in the equations and after a while it was far too difficult to simply ignore them. With a sigh, Shiva rewrote the original equation in short hand and added the proof on the board next to it. She was perched up in the tiers by the time someone finally showed up, a relic of a man who looked like he might break if she looked at him wrong as he hobbled inside.

  "Accursed woman ordering me about like some pawn of her administration.. Imagine making an old man give up his precious office time to come hobbling across campus. And what do I have to be the one.. hmm?.. why do I have to come all the way here?" He mumbled in a state of high agitations as he moved to drop his briefcase on the desk near the podium. "I am the head of the math department, why do I have to come all the way out here to thump numbers into some dimwitted.." About that time he turned to look up at the board and discovered Shiva's additions. He fell silent as he struggled just a little to get his glass out and in their proper place.

  "You forgot Siamora's third law." Shiva whispered 15 silent minutes later. He snapped around and stared at her blankly for a long few moments before a slow smile spread across his lips.

  "Law you say, last I check that was a theory." He chuckled back to her as his eyes returned to the board.

  "If you say so." Shiva chirped back to him. For the remainder of the time before the next bell the room was left in silence and Shiva was able to finish her review of the pages she had absorbed in the library. He spent the remainder of that time with an eraser and a pen, half convinced that he needed to fix something one second, only to leave everything untouched the next. In last moment before the bells would ring out across the campus, Shiva slipped to her feet and started to move towards the door. "See you later.." She murmured with a backwards wave even as the first echo broke across the silent room.

  "Yes you will!!" He called after her as Shiva reached the hall and moved to pick her way through the halls as they were flooded with people. She was just reaching the front steps and the outside where she could move just a little quicker when something blond, tanned into a leather like state, and surgically perfect stepped right into her path with a faked smile and a bat of her false eyelashes.

  "Hi there.." Shiva stepped right around her, leap up to the hand rail and slid down the plastic coated metal to reach the stone pathway at the bottom.

  "Shot down right out of the gate! Burn, Georga!" Someone squealed as Shiva became aware of three fast approaching figures stomping up in her wake. More or less warned, it didn't take much effort to guess what would follow and bat the anger girls arm away and keep moving.

  "Oh snap!" The other one barked loud enough to start attracting a great deal of attention in Shiva's direction.

  "You listen here, you little bitch!" Considered empathically 'deaf' it was almost easy to get the feeling of the aggression surging towards her from behind.

  "NO!" Shiva spun on her having already endured enough annoyances that day to arouse her temper. "YOU listen!" Catching the intense sense of danger in Shiva's burning eyes all three of them snapped back and didn't approach any further as the entire mass of girls around them came to a frozen halt. "I don't need your pretend friendship! I don't want your false advice! AND I certainly can live without your Fake pathetic presence in my life! Just TRY to touch me again, and I'll STOP being nice, and you will have to go running back to that bad plastic surgeon who botched all that work that you wasted your parents money on to have everything put back into place!" Inside the kinds of schools where Shiva had attended before those words would probably have been enough to start a riot, but the popularity obsessed drama Queen was quick to realize the kind of audience now gathered around them. And was too busy trying to find a way to save face to even take note of the fact that Shiva turned and walked away. The crowd parted ahead of her and no one dared to get anywhere near her reach until she had almost achieved open ground where Cami stepped forward to offer Shiva her hand and a warm smile. In truth she would have much preferred to remain alone and reach Vala's presence sooner, but just for the sake of appearances she accepted the offer and was soon being lead away by the older woman.

  "You okay?" Cami asked gently after a few minutes, Shiva nodded just a little still feeling the desire to wound some people fading slowly away. "Want to tell me what just happened back there?"

  "I read a book on wolves once.." Shiva murmured softly back to her. ".. matriarchal society.. one bitch leads, the pack follows and all that. So say you take a large predator.. any predator, drop her into a pack of wolves, one of three things will happen. One, the wolves kill the new predator as competition. Two, the new predator submits and becomes part of the pack. Or three, the new predator scares the alpha bitch so much that all the wolves simply avoid confrontation and an uneasy truce is established." Cami chuckled down to her, far too clever not to get where Shiva was probably going with all of this. "Truth is, I've always liked answer number three.. even if I know it isn't the right decision, I almost always want to choose number three."

  "Well you didn't have to resort to violence, and that can be anything but a good thing in my book. But aren't you the least bit worried about.. what everyone will think about you?" She asked diplomatically, to Shiva snorted her disdain for that matter.

  "They don't like Vala.. and to be honest, she's the one that matters me. Anyways, if they hate me, than they will be too busy saying nasty things behind my back to ever think about trying to get
close to me." Shiva whispered back to her.

  "That doesn't sound like a very pleasant way to spend your days.."

  "Maybe to you.. for me it means those around me are that much safer. Maybe I wouldn't choose to be like this if I was a normal girl, but to be quite frank.. the training that is still running through the back of my head doesn't have room for errors.. only the considerable efforts I put into breaking that training allows me to even be out here in this semi-controlled environment." Cami gave her a dark nod with sadness in her eyes as their course lead them to within sight of Cami's next destination and Vala's presence in the distance. As Shiva slipped away from Cami's side to slide into Vala's arms, Cami told her to take an extra moment or two and slipped inside, giving Vala a chance to make sure Shiva was calm before Vala joined her class just a little late.